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How To Make Money Online For Beginners - Step By Step Guide For 2020

Making Money In Your Pyjamas
In this article, I will teach you how to make money online for beginners in 2020.

This will be a step by step online money making guide that you can follow to achieve amazing results in your online business.

Here are the exact steps you need to take:
1.) Choose a niche. You'll want to focus on the big niche topics that have lots of hungry buyers. In other words, if people aren't buying products in the niche topic, don't target those people.

Niche topics like internet marketing, affiliate marketing, pet care, home improvement, car repairs, and insurance are great topics. They provide you with customers who are looking to buy products to solve their increasing daily problems.
If you can solve a problem, you can make as much money as you want online. I'm not kidding. This is the key to success online.

2.) Pick a product. Your product should have a residual commission or monthly recurring membership around it. This will increase your chances of making serious cash online. Choose a product that makes you at least $25 per sale, or 75% commission monthly.

3.) Create a squeeze page. The purpose of the squeeze page is to offer something in exchange for your potential customer's email address. This will allow you to follow up with them and even sell additional products online.

Make sure your squeeze page is very simple. An eye-catching headline and a simple call to action to get the email is all you need. For example, if you are in the internet marketing niche topic, you could write "How to Create A Six-Figure Internet Marketing Business From Scratch - Grab Your FREE Copy of Our Online Guide!"

This will give your visitor a reason for joining your newsletter. Make sure to offer quality training in exchange for their trust.

4.) Create an email marketing campaign. Write at least 7 follow up emails that will educate your potential client on how you can help them. These emails should offer tips, tricks, and advice on how to solve the problem they have.

5.) Send emails to your list. Schedule daily emails to your list with some piece of content that they will LOVE. This is very important if you want to create a stable business on the internet.

6.) Scaling quickly. In order to scale your digital marketing business, you'll need to take "Massive Action." So keep a schedule in place for producing and distributing content to your ideal market.

Do you want a "done for you" online business that offers monthly recurring commissions?

If so, get started by clicking this link

When you visit the link above you'll be presented with a video explaining how you can create a $100,000 per year business with my best program.

3 Steps to a Full-Time Income Online

Everyone wants to make money online. But few know how to do it effectively. Let's talk about the best ways to create income online.

The first step is to pick a highly profitable niche topic. The more competitive, the better your chances of making money. I know this is the opposite of what experts will tell you. But the fact is, you need people to buy your products to make affiliate commissions with your affiliate marketing business.

Once you have the right market in mind, you'll need to create a sales funnel around that target audience. You can use BuilderAll to do just that. But use whatever sales funnel creator you find most effective.

The third thing you'll need to do is create an optin page. This is a page where you will collect people's email addresses. Then you can follow-up with these people over time.

I suggest you write 30 emails to follow-up with them and educate them on why they should purchase your product or affiliate offer.

Now that you have that in place, you'll want to find highly targeted website traffic. The best traffic is search engine based. Meaning that people are literally searching for the information in Bing or Google.

To get that type of traffic you'll need to create content. This content can either by in video format or written format. I like to do both.

For articles, make sure they are 400 words or more. For videos, make sure they are 5 minutes or more.

Once you have the sales funnel created, the follow-up series of emails in place, and the traffic going to your optin page, you'll start to see some conversions. I typically see about a 1-5 percent sales conversion.

So out of 100 clicks or website visitors, you should expect 1 to 5 sales for your information product or affiliate offer.
If you can get those results with an average customer value of $100 or more, you will succeed with digital marketing online. It's just a matter of scaling up your efforts and keeping track of your results.

As you can see, it's not that complicated to earn a full-time income online using information marketing or affiliate marketing. The trick is to have everything in place to do the "selling and telling" for you. So you don't have to literally explain your product or service to every single person who visits your website.

Watch my video here and I'll show you the best online business you can start this year. I'll also give you all my marketing materials and sales funnels for you to jumpstart your business fast and finally see profitable results online. :-)

Consumer Vs Producer - How to Succeed With Affiliate Marketing

If there were 3 things you wish you knew before starting your affiliate marketing business, what would they be?

If you are a veteran affiliate marketer, knowing this information is an amazing place to start when communicating with your target audience.

However, if you are new to affiliate marketing, this information can be critical to your success in communicating what you need from your sponsor.

With our attention spans decreasing every year, it's important that we distinguish between "consuming" content and "creating" content.

Time is a precious thing. It's the one thing we can't get back. Once we use it up, it's GONE FOREVER.

So take a moment to message your email list right NOW... What do you have to offer these people who will benefit them in their own businesses? After all, if you can solve a problem they are facing, you will make money.

That is the beauty of digital marketing. You can literally create solutions to people's problems and command money. It's amazing!

So STOP consuming content and START producing content. If you can do at least one piece of content per day, it will inspire you to create even more content. As we know, the more content you have, the more potential there is to earn money online.

So what are the types of content you should create?

1.) Written content. Now, this isn't as effective as it once was. However, written content still brings a ton of business to my own information marketing business.

I suggest writing at least 2 articles per day targeting the EXACT keywords your target audience is searching for. This will encourage you to work more often when you start getting high-quality leads into your business.

2.) Video content. This can be either screen-capture content or selfie content. The idea is to create videos that offer tips, tricks, or solutions that people can use to better themselves or get what they want.

You can outsource this content easily on Fiverr. This website allows you to find the exact people who can create your content for you.

3.) Audio content. Just like video content, audio content can give your audience insights into what you offer. Just like the famous podcast superstar Joe Rogan, you should create audio content that your audience will LOVE.

Pick the best content creation strategy that works for you. Once you pick one, start producing as soon as possible!
Hey, do you want to learn how to add 100 subscribers per day to your mailing list and generate $10,000 monthly residual income, while only working 2 hours per day?

If so, visit my website and learn how to succeed with affiliate marketing now. You can click here for access.

You'll learn directly from my partner Mark Haydin and I. Looking forward to connecting with you very soon!
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Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70801

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